Developed by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, the Higg Index is a suite of tools that enables brands, retailers, and facilities of all sizes — at every stage in their sustainability journey — to accurately measure and score a company or product’s sustainability performance.The Higg Index delivers a holistic overview that empowers businesses to make meaningful improvements that protect the well-being of factory workers,local communities,and the environment.

We are a Higg Index verified organisation.
We are on Higg Platform since 2015.
We have an impressive scores of 83 on Environmental - FEM
(Factory Environment Module) and
of 83 on Social - SLCP (Social Labour Convergence Practises)
modules of Higg Index.

SAVING 380 Tonnes
- Rooftops of all units/buildings are utilised for solar power generation.
- To reduce our carbon footprint we are constantly upgrading our machines with
new energy efficient ones. We have done the same with our lighting also.

The Key objective is to understand and implement safe and ecofriendly chemicals in our supply-chain and responsible handling of all chemicals.
- Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from chemical suppliers.
- Written policy of chemical management.
- Internal audit of chemical management system.
- Internal training to staff on RSL (Restricted Substances List) and chemical management.

We promote and execute sustainable environment practices & legal compliance in the organisation through various ways.
- We have reduced use of plastic in our packaging by 40% in last 5 years.
- We have completely done away with ‘Single Use Plastic’.
- Zero discharge of waste water in the environment.
- Agreement with Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) approved vendor for collection and disposal of waste in a sustainable manner.
- Organic waste is converted into fertilizer through in-house composting

We are dedicated to offering a clean and sustainable workplace for our employees while actively contributing to the betterment of the employees, community and society at large.
- Clean, spacious, comortable and well lit working environment for employees.
- We ensure living wages and welfare activities for workers.
- We extend education support to the girl child of workers.
- Working on upliftment of the poor and underprivileged.
- Actively participating in social activities related to health and education –
- Contributing to the education of tribal children.
- Member of multiple medical charitable organisation.
- Contributing towards the care of elderly people.